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Upper Room Youth Group

     Upper Room is the name of the Youth Ministries of West Point Baptist Church. We meet in the “upper room” of the church to get real for Jesus!

     We strive to do everything we can to reach youth for Christ! We provide special classes during the Sunday School hour; we gather for worship in the main sanctuary during the morning service, and we have fun fellowship and challenging discipleship on Wednesday nights. We also have some truly exciting events throughout the year where all those who get involved can find friends and enjoy a great time!

     We know that in order for us to most effectively reach our youth; we need many caring and dedicated adults to make that happen. We need: teachers and assistants… people who can help with: media & sound, music & worship, games, snacks, safety, creating events and coordinating activities, developing Godly relationships with the kids and most of all… PRAYING… with and for our youth!

     Our goal is to make sure that our group is a friendly, welcoming and safe place for anyone to find their place… His purpose… and a solid plan for their lives. We also desire that all those involved with the youth, know that, here, they will find a place where they can utilize their God-given gifts and be able to nurture and expand those talents!

     So come on up! We have a very user-friendly youth room where we know you’ll find something to do and some smiling faces of people who care about you and want to get to know you better and help you in your walk with Our Father.

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