1100 Pine Street , Kannapolis, NC 28081
Pointing the world
... toward Christ!
Greetings from the Pastor
Thank you for visiting our web page. I would love for you to come visit us in person. I believe that you will find WPBC an exciting place to worship. It is our prayer that when you come, that you will experience the power and grace of GOD. It is the desire of our Church to point people to JESUS. I also believe that you will find a deep connection to some really great people. There is also a place that you can come and serve your surrounding community. I hope and pray that we can connect soon and GOD bless!
Get Involved
Church membership is special. When someone comes to join the church, they are not joining a building or an organization. Instead, they are joining a family or a community of believers. By joining, you are saying that you love the people and want to be an active participant in the life of this family of Believers to help serve in the goal of “pointing the world toward Christ.” If you feel you are being led to join together with the West Point family, a great starting point would be to speak with one of our pastors or a deacon of the church. We would love to be able to talk with you more about this.
Meeting Times
Sunday School - 9:45am
Sunday Worship - 11:00am
Wednesday Youth & Children – 6:30pm
Online Tithes Giving and Donations
If you wish to submit your tithes or other giving online you may go to https://onrealm.org/WestPointBaptist/give/now
Meeting Times
Events This Week
Sunday, February 2
9:45am—Sunday School
Monday, February 3
6:00pm—Deacons’ Meeting
7:00pm—Men’s Bible Study
Tuesday, February 4
Wednesday, February 5
6:30pm—Prayer Meeting
Saturday, February 8
8:50-11:30am KFP
Deacon: Jerry Eudy
Meeting Times
Upcoming Events
March 16-19
Sunday, March 16—11:00am & 6:30pm
Monday-Wednesday, March 17-19—6:30pm
Guest Speaker: Glen Rusher
Mark your calendars and make plans to be here.
Be in prayer and expect great things!
Help Stock the Food Pantry
Thank you for your generosity thus far. Our needs for the month of February are:
- Dry Noodles
- Canned Meats & Pastas
Jan & Natalie
Attention, Ladies!
The ladies of our church will be serving at Lifeline Christian Mission in Concord, NC, on Wednesday, February 12, 12:00—1:30pm. See Susan Szakal for specific details and to volunteer.